Brockton Police Community Education Request Form, Tip Line, and Program info

On behalf of Chief Crowley, the Community Education Unit is pleased to offer the City of Brockton several outreach programs to community groups and organizations as well as schools.   Please use the form below to make a request and be advised we will not coordinate any programs until we receive this form.   We strive to accommodate all requests but they are based on first come first served basis and due to the availability of the Community Education Unit.  Confirmations are sent by e-mail so please make sure your address is correct.

Please click the links below for the current programs offered by the Brockton Police Community Education Unit.   Or visit our Facebook page: Brockton Police Community Education.  Please note: Some requests for service are based on the size of your event.  Full discretion is with the Community Education Unit.

The below links are PDF files.

Community Request form

Tip line

BPD programs

BPD Opioid Programs






Brockton Police Launch Effort To Reduce Motor Vehicle Injuries and Fatalities By Increasing Seat Belt Use

Brockton, MA – The Brockton police department, in partnership with the Highway Safety Division of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, the Massachusetts State Police, and up to 200 other Massachusetts local police departments, will take part in the national Click It or Ticket campaign between May 8th and May 29th. This high-visibility mobilization will promote seat belt use through increased traffic enforcement in an effort to reduce motor vehicle deaths and injuries.

“More people buckling up means more lives saved,” said Chief Crowley “Our officers will be out enforcing the seat belt and child passenger safety laws so that fewer people are needlessly injured or killed in crashes in Brockton.”

Massachusetts seat belt usage is significantly lower than the national average – 78 percent compared to 90 percent, according to the state’s annual seat belt observation study.

Sixty-four percent of the 172 people killed in motor vehicle crashes on Massachusetts roads in 2015 were known to be unrestrained, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Seatbelts saved an estimated 72 lives in Massachusetts in 2015, according to NHTSA, and an additional 41 deaths could have been prevented if seatbelt usage was at 100%.

“The simple act of buckling up will give you a fighting chance in the event of a crash – increasing your chances of surviving by at least fifty percent,” said Jeff Larason, Director of the Highway Safety Division. “We’re asking all drivers to protect themselves by wearing a seatbelt on every trip – short or long, day and night – and to keep their eyes on the road.”



Distracted Driving Campaign


Brockton, MA  –  The Brockton Police Department will conduct a series of patrols designed to reduce the number of crashes, fatalities, and injuries caused by distracted driving. The effort is part of a statewide enforcement and education campaign by the Highway Safety Division (HSD) of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) to address a historic rise in fatal crashes fueled by driver distraction. The campaign is designed to raise awareness of the importance of attentive and engaged driving and will focus on the dangers distracted driving poses to everyone on the road including bicyclists and pedestrians.

Massachusetts law prohibits adult drivers from writing, sending, or reading electronic messages, interacting with apps or browsing the Internet while driving even if stopped at a light.  Teen drivers under 18 are prohibited entirely from using mobile phones and other electronic devices while driving. Fines go as high as $500. Teen drivers can also lose their license for up to one year.

“Our goal is keeping all road users in our community safe. If you text, dial, or read a message on your phone while driving, you are endangering the lives of those around you, and you will be stopped,” said Chief Crowley. “Using our community’s crash data, our officers will determine where the majority of crashes occur and focus their patrols in those areas.”


  • Preliminary Massachusetts data shows a 13 percent increase in motor vehicle fatalities from 2015 to 2016 – more than double the national average according to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).
  • Nationally in 2015, fatalities from crashes involving a distracted driver increased by 9 percent according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
  • In Massachusetts, distracted driving fatalities are highest among adults ages 18-34 and 75+ (FARS)
  • Pedestrian fatalities in Massachusetts increased by 26 percent in 2015 according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).
  • Nationally, 1 out of 10 drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 years old involved in fatal crashes was distracted (NHTSA).
  • 94 percent of all crashes are caused by driver error (NHTSA).

“Drivers focused on anything but driving put every road user – especially pedestrians and bicyclists – in danger,” said Jeff Larason, Director of the Highway Safety Division. “Transportation experts agree that the increase in fatal crashes is linked to drivers who aren’t paying attention. These types of crashes are not ‘accidents’ – they kill innocent people and they are 100 percent preventable.”

The Brockton Police Department offers these tips for motorists:

  • Turn your phone off and put it where you can’t reach it before driving;
  • Let your friends and family know that you’ll be driving and can’t take their call/text;
  • Pull over to a safe place if you have to make a call or send a text;
  • Start GPS navigation or review maps before you start driving;
  • Watch for pedestrians and bicyclists – especially at night; and
  • Remember to buckle up! Seat belts are your best defense against a distracted driver.

***Media Notes***

Distracted driving crashes are not “accidents”.  We urge media to follow the AP Stylebook which suggests avoiding the word “accident” in reference to distracted, negligent, drunk or drugged crashes.  

To view the Highway Safety Division’s “Distracted? The Crash is On You” ads in English and Spanish, go to