On behalf of Chief Crowley, the Community Education Unit is pleased to offer the City of Brockton several outreach programs to community groups and organizations as well as schools. Please use this form to make a request and be advised we will not coordinate any programs until we receive this form. We strive to accommodate all requests but they are based on first come first served basis and due to the availability of the Community Education Unit. Confirmations are sent by e-mail so please make sure your address is correct. If you do not hear back within a week please e-mail Officer Nancy Leedberg, Community Education Unit: nancy@brocktonpolice.com
Please click the links below for the current programs offered by the Brockton Police Community Education Unit. The request form is a PDF file. Or visit our Facebook page: Brockton Police Community Education. Please note: Some requests for service are based on the size of your event. Full discretion is with the Community Education Unit.